Monday, April 21, 2008

Internet Crazies

It's still too hot here to do anything outside of an air-conditioned environment. Tempers can get a bit short. It's definitely not the time to run into an internet crazy. I suspect many internet users have run into these, but it's more likely if you are business. Sometimes it starts very normally but before long you get the email all in UPPERCASE.

Nowadays I tend to try and get out of these email conversations as quickly as possible but usually the crazy wants to continue. Best bet is to agree with everything they say and wind up the communication.

I thought about this a bit as I have been working with the internet a long time. Why does this medium attract the crazies? I think it's explained by the old cartoon of the dog in front of the computer saying, "On the internet nobody knows I'm a dog." By email people who have never said a cross word in real life can let out all their aggression in a virtual world where nobody can see they are really very mousey. They are the internet school bullies, but unlike in a real school yard you don't know their size or fighting abilities.

My only advice is don't get involved and try not to let them upset you.

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